What Is There To Do On Walking Street

What Is There To Do On Walking Street? by Sugeng Widodo
Walking Street is located in Pattaya, Thailand on the southern end of the city. It is about one mile long and the police block off the entrance to vehicle traffic at 7 PM every night.

No cars, truck or motorcycles (well, some motobikes sneak in), make getting around on foot relatively easy. You can walk, run, or crawl from bar to restaurant to go-go all night long.

Walking Street is very easy to get to by foot or baht bus. Any baht bus on beach road will take you right to the entrance of the Golden Mile. Don’t get there too early or you will think I am crazy. There is very little to do except shop for souvenirs or tailor made clothes during daylight hours.

But, once the sun goes down, Walking Street comes alive. It is very similar to Las Vegas in that you can’t really appreciate it until dark. That is when all of the neon lights bring the street to life.

So, what can you do on Walking Street? You can live there if you want. There are some hotels and guest houses on the main drag and along the side streets. Hopefully you don’t mind loud noises or people partying until 4 in the morning. I prefer to get a room a few blocks away and walk over.

You can also have dinner. There are many great restaurants on Walking Street. My favorite is King Seafood. Fresh seafood on ice or still swimming is available for you to choose. Your lobster, crab or fish is weighed and you pay the going rate. You tell the waitress how you want it prepared and then sit down and have a drink.

You will enjoy the breeze off of Pattaya Bay and enjoy the view of the ships on the water. Before your beer is finished, you platter of seafood will arrive. And it will be absolutely delicious.

You can also visit the hundred or so bars that dot Walking Street and the side sois. You can choose from beer bars, hostess bars, go-go bars, and bars with live music. Whichever bar you choose, you should be able to have a good time. If you happen to hit a bar that isn’t happening, finish you drink and move on to the next one.

A bar that may be hot at 10 PM may be deserted at 11. You may have a blast at a particular beer bar one night, and ask yourself why you went there the next night. It is a crapshoot and you just have to move around and find a bar that suits you.

Whatever you choose to do on Walking Street, you won’t be disappointed. Similar to Vegas, the action continues as long as it is dark. The parties go on and on all night long. A little online research may let you know when parties are going on and this will make your visit even better.

Check out Walking Street in South Pattaya and have a blast. Just be careful out there.

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